Selection of software tools for agile project management in an academic technology unit
Dossier | Feminist Epistemologies of the South: Production, transmission and management of knowledge and wisdom
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Agile; gerenciamento de projetos; ferramentas de TI; gerenciamento de projetos; qualidade de software; GQM. Ágil; gestión de proyectos; herramientas informáticas; gestión de proyectos; calidad de software; GQM. Agile; project management; IT tools for project management; software quality; GQM.

How to Cite

Vizñay Durán, J. K., & Álvarez Gavilánes, J. E. (2022). Selection of software tools for agile project management in an academic technology unit. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(9), e210126.


Project management is considered the basis for reaching a successful outcome in obtaining the product proposed in the project, there are software tools that support this management, but the selection of the appropriate tool is not an easy task and must respond to the needs owned by the institution. In educational institutions it is essential to seek this support since the management of academic work is based on projects. In this research, criteria are proposed to select the ideal tools in project management in an academic unit of technology where their projects are generally oriented to software development. The GQM (objective-question-metric) methodology is used as a basis to align the criteria through 25 assessment metrics. The metrics were applied in three agile project management tools, all in the test version. The results have revealed each tool’s weaknesses and strengths, without determining a tool that completely satisfies the needs. In the planning phase Trello stands out, and in the Execution, Monitoring, and Control phases Asana stands out; although in the last one with minimal difference. The evaluation has allowed the validation of the proposal’s generality, coherence, and usefulness.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Jenny Karina Vizñay Durán, Juan Edmundo Álvarez Gavilánes


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