Living in confinement: interactions in an Adolescent Treatment Center
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Juventud; Encierro; Interacciones; Reinserción social Youth; Confinement; Interactions; Social reintegration

How to Cite

Fernández Huerta, C., & Figueroa Estrada, A. (2021). Living in confinement: interactions in an Adolescent Treatment Center. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 2(6), e21069.


This paper aims to understand the meaning that young people who have entered the Adolescent Treatment Center (CTA) give to social interactions within the institution and to the processes of social reintegration provided by the State. Due to the lack of permission to record audio and / or video within the facilities of the CTA, workshops were created, where different topics related to violence, family, expectations about their future, among others, were addressed, in order to register –through their own handwriting-, drawings, questionnaires and stories or their lives before the crime and about their stay inside the CTA. On the way to social reintegration, these young people carry a stigma that does not diminish and as the end of treatment approaches, the uncertainty of returning to the outside grows more, because the habituation to the institutional norms of confinement also implies a work of rehabilitation to life in freedom.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Christian Fernández Huerta, Anuar Figueroa Estrada


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