Exploration of the business strategy of the social enterprises of the La Maná canton: an approach to its strategic performance
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Estrategias; emprendimientos sociales; desempeño. Strategies; social enterprises; performance. Estratégias; empreendedorismo social; desempenho.

How to Cite

Reyes Armas, R. A., Torres Briones, R. M., García Bravo, M. E., & Hurtado García, K. del R. (2023). Exploration of the business strategy of the social enterprises of the La Maná canton: an approach to its strategic performance. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230226. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v4i12.226


Social enterprises have faced situations related to economic instability, social unrest and globalization. For this reason, the objective of the investigation was to determine the factors of influence in the business strategy of the social enterprises of the La Maná canton. The methodology used had a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design with a correlational scope. For this, a survey was applied to 326 SMEs. To demonstrate the results, a factorial analysis was applied, which demonstrated determined 8 performance factors of social enterprises. Opportunities for improvement were identified in the factors with values below .600. For example, in the marketing strategies factor, areas for strengthening responsibility and self-confidence will be observed .473. Finally, all three hypotheses have been confirmed with solid empirical support. These findings underscore the relevance of information technology to effective human resource management and successful strategy implementation.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Rodrigo Arturo Reyes Armas, Rosa Marjorie Torres Briones, Mayra Elizabeth García Bravo, Ketty del Rocío Hurtado García


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