The Impacts of the Micro-Finance Services of the Fundacion Grameen Pilipinas. Among Women Entrepreneurs in Bobon, Northern Samar, Philippines: An Assessment


Socio-economic impacts; micro finance; women entrepreneurs; self-empowerment. Impactos socioeconómicos; microfinanciación; mujeres empresarias; autocapacitación. Impactos socioeconômicos; microfinanças; mulheres empreendedoras; autocapacitação.

How to Cite

Fiel-Miranda, J. L., & Miranda, Jr., A. T. (2023). The Impacts of the Micro-Finance Services of the Fundacion Grameen Pilipinas. Among Women Entrepreneurs in Bobon, Northern Samar, Philippines: An Assessment. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230223.


This study endeavored to assess the socio-economic impacts of the micro-finance services of Fundacion Grameen Pilipinas (FGP) among women entrepreneurs of Bobon, Northern Samar, Philippines. It utilized a descriptive survey method, which involved 37 member beneficiaries as respondents. A survey was conducted, and the data derived have been tabulated and analyzed through frequency counts, percentages, weighted mean, using the Statistical package for Social Science (SPSS) software. Statistical analysis indicated that the amount of loan had significant relationship with income but did not show any relationships with other economic and social indicators. The mode of payments had significant relationships with income, savings, and access to education. The purpose of the loan has proven its significant relationship with savings and self-empowerment; while the terms of loan had significant relationship with income, savings, and self-empowerment. The loans utilized for small businesses proved to be significantly related to income, savings, asset acquisition and self-empowerment. Loans used to finance food processing ventures proved to have no significant relationships with both economic and social indicators. Loans used for handicraft manufacturing businesses proved to be significantly related to income, savings, and asset acquisition, while the loans utilized for backyard piggery proved to be significantly related to income.


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