Leadership in the Cuenca Fire Department: its influence in emergency situations
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Liderazgo; gestión; motivación; servicios. Leadership; management; motivation; services. Liderança; gerenciamento; motivação; serviços.

How to Cite

Parra Parra, M. J., Barbery Montoya, D. C., & Ramón Poma, G. M. (2023). Leadership in the Cuenca Fire Department: its influence in emergency situations. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230212. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v4i12.212


The leadership ability of the person responsible for coordinating an emergency situation plays a critical role. This capacity encompasses the ability to make sound decisions and establish a high level of trust in the team he/she supervises, which, in turn, prevents possible interferences in communication that could impair effective performance during the emergency; this research focuses on transformational leadership as a tool to inspire, motivate and empower employees, analyzes the relationship between leadership and management in emergency situations, with the purpose of ensuring an efficient and effective response. To carry out the data analysis in this study, a mixed, non-experimental approach was chosen. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires that included both quantitative and qualitative aspects, with the application of a cross-sectional descriptive statistical approach. The population under study in this research is composed of a total of 135 individuals. The results highlight the importance of leadership training and conclude that, in the Cuenca Fire Department, there is a solid base of leaders capable of influencing personnel in emergency situations.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Mayra Jhoanna Parra Parra, Danny Christian Barbery Montoya, Glenda Maricela Ramón Poma


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