Effects of applying a methodological guide to exercises for coordination in children’s soccer players
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Esporte; jogo; atleta; metodologia. Sport; game; athlete; methodology. Deporte; juego; atleta; metodología.

How to Cite

Serrano Cárdenas, C. M., García-Herrera, D. G., & Ávila Mediavilla, C. M. (2023). Effects of applying a methodological guide to exercises for coordination in children’s soccer players. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(10), e230180. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v4i10.180


Coordination in various sensorimotor processes constitutes a basis for learning complex motor skills, in addition, the importance of developing coordination at an early age is highlighted in order to strengthen both progress and the psychomotor base, which are a fundamental part of improvement. of the footballer’s technique. For this reason, the objective of this study was to design and apply a methodological guide to exercises for the development of coordination in the sub 12 category of the El Trébol soccer school and thus tend to improve coordination capacities. The research was quasi-experimental, quantitative approach and longitudinal cut, data collection was carried out through the measurement technique and the instrument used consisted of a test, applied to 25 soccer players, who performed a race through a coordination ladder formed by wooden slats or rope 9 meters long, the round trip was carried out at maximum travel speed. The results in the evaluation show that the majority of soccer players have a regular level of coordination, taking into account that they already have previous training in the youth soccer initiation school, from these evaluations the feasibility of developing coordination so that It becomes the psychomotor basis for learning the technical fundamentals of soccer.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Christian Marcelo Serrano Cárdenas, Darwin Gabriel García-Herrera, Carlos Marcelo Ávila Mediavilla


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