The possible violation of the right to property due to the presentation of extraordinary acquisitive prescription of domain
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Processos Judiciais; Propriedade Privada; Prescrição de Aquisição; Intenção; Domínio. Judicial Processes; Private Property; Acquisitive Prescription; Intent; Dominion. Procesos Judiciales; Propiedad Privada; Prescripción Adquisitiva; Dolo; Dominio.

How to Cite

Chimbo Rodriguez, M. W., & Barrera Bravo, F. (2023). The possible violation of the right to property due to the presentation of extraordinary acquisitive prescription of domain. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(10), e230176.


The trials of extraordinary acquisitive domain prescription, in most cases, consist of several substantial aspects in which the rights of the defendant or defendants are significantly exposed for a possible violation of the same within the respective judicial process. Thus, the right to private property is one of them, since the legitimate owner in certain specific cases is not even aware of the claim against him, such as what happened in the following legal proceedings numbered 01333- 2021-09186, 01333-2021-05578, 01333-2021-08484, and 03332-2022-00125 respectively. In these judicial processes, it is directly observed that there is bad faith on the part of the actor, due to the fact that he presents demands for extraordinary acquisitive prescription of ownership, he processes them intentionally, evading certain solemnities of the procedure, in addition to misusing special powers, presentation of fraudulently obtained evidence, among other aspects, all this in order to obtain real estate, which in law or morally corresponds to it.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Manuel Wazhinton Chimbo Rodriguez, Fausto Barrera Bravo


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