Effects of business competitive advantages of Cotopaxi flower SMEs: an approach to intellectual capital management
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PMEs; floricultura; vantagem competitiva; capital intelectual; recursos; economia. Pymes; florícolas; ventaja competitiva; capital intelectual; recursos; economía. SMEs; floriculture; competitive advantage; intellectual capital; resources; economy.

How to Cite

Pérez Ulloa, K. M., Díaz Basantes, M. B., & Caisa Yucailla , E. D. (2023). Effects of business competitive advantages of Cotopaxi flower SMEs: an approach to intellectual capital management. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(10), e230165. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v4i10.165


SMEs in Ecuador present problems such as social, economic, and cultural changes due to the low investment of intangible assets and advanced resources like other countries. For this reason, the objective is to analyze the factors that influence the business competitive advantages of flower-growing SMEs in Cotopaxi before the management of intellectual capital. A survey of 30 floricultural companies in the Cotopaxi province and exploratory factor analysis were applied. As a result, it reveals two components perceived by the respondents with respect to intellectual capital: human capital (CPHM) and structural capital (CPET). However, there are shortcomings in the dimension of structural capital of personnel with experience and satisfactory performance (0.571), motivation of personnel (0.257), qualified personnel and competence (0.434), production processes and relationships with suppliers (0.443). Intellectual capital influences the competitive advantage is part of flower companies, allows positioning within the market.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Karina Maribel Pérez Ulloa, María Belén Díaz Basantes, Elias David Caisa Yucailla


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