Green gentrification and commodification of Protected Natural Areas in the metropolitan area of the city of Querétaro
Dossier | Feminist Epistemologies of the South: Production, transmission and management of knowledge and wisdom
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Green gentrification; protected natural areas; urban expansion; environmental regulatory frameworks. Gentrificación verde; áreas naturales protegidas, expansión urbana, marcos regulatorios ambientales. Gentrificação verde; áreas naturais protegidas, expansão urbana, marcos regulatórios ambientais.

How to Cite

Bonfil Jiménez, Úrsula, & Ribeiro Palacios, M. (2022). Green gentrification and commodification of Protected Natural Areas in the metropolitan area of the city of Querétaro. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(9), e210147.


In the last 25 years, small and medium-sized cities on the global south have experienced an accelerated metropolitan growth. This territorial expansion in peri-urban areas has promoted a new model of real estate development linked to nature and upper classes. Thereby protected natural areas (PAs) located on the outskirts get into a market logic, contributing to the concentration value around them. In this scenario, we need to understand the role of the landscape planning tools in the consolidation of certain real estate developments and the spatial segregation processes around the PAs. We present the case of the Metropolitan zone of Queretaro city located in central Mexico. Based on qualitative methods we identified contradictions on the materialization of the instruments for the territorial regulation and urban planning, linked to the Pas, the advertising discourses for the new real estate projects around the Pas and the territorial reconfiguration and green gentrification that is triggered by the arrival of new residential developments on the lands surrounding the PAs. We noticed that the decision making about landscape planning and urban planning is centered on the local authorities, which allows some institutional arrangements favoring the PAs commercialization. The real estate companies have created a speech where the PAs are conceived as immovable property, meant for the people who have the capacity of paying for their own enjoyment, at expenses of the rural population who used to live there.
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