Old paths and new possibilities: androcentric marks and feminist epistemologies in social representations of menstruation
Dossier | Feminist Epistemologies of the South: Production, transmission and management of knowledge and wisdom
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Menstruation; Feminist epistemologies; Social representations; Androcentrism Menstruación; Epistemologías feministas; Representaciones sociales; Androcentrismo Menstruação; Epistemologias feministas; Androcentrismo; Representações sociais; Androcentrismo

How to Cite

Lara Vargas, E. J. (2022). Old paths and new possibilities: androcentric marks and feminist epistemologies in social representations of menstruation. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(9), e210146. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v3i9.146


Menstruation is a biological and involuntary process experienced by cis women, trans men, non-binary people and some people of certain intersexuality spectrums for approximately forty years. It is also constituted as a social-historical phenomenon susceptible to cultural elements that influence the way in which social representations about it are constructed. These representations are not alien to the impact of androcentric marks and the cisheteropatriarchal order that has permeated from everyday life to the production of scientific knowledge. This has led to the prevalence of negative representations of menstrual blood linked to hygiene crises, negative effects, emotional changes, stigmatization, concealment, taboo, among others. However, in recent decades, other epistemologies have allowed the emergence and visibility of narratives and languages that have facilitated not only the development of more positive and critical representations, but also the understanding of menstruation as a phenomenon that is not only experienced by women. For this reason, this article aims to make a brief review of the androcentric marks found in some scientific disciplines and in society itself. It also seeks to highlight the new perspectives as forms of epistemic resistance and the tools, such as feminist epistemologies, that can mark a path in the re-appropriation of menstruation by those who live it.

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