Gender sensitivity to build more just worlds
Dossier | Feminist Epistemologies of the South: Production, transmission and management of knowledge and wisdom
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Feminismo; violencia de género; estereotipos; metáforas visuales; afectos. Feminismo; violencia de género; estereotipos; metáforas visuales; afectos. Feminism, gender-based violence; gender stereotypes; visual metaphors; affects.

How to Cite

Casal, A. (2022). Gender sensitivity to build more just worlds. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(9), e210141.


This article explores the limitations of using the perspective metaphor and the potentialities of employing gender sensitivity as a feminist political-affective tool instead. Macro-political changes, focused on gender perspective, have not been able to eradicate gender-based violence. It remains one of the most serious human rights violations in the world. Today, the hegemony of sight -the sense of distance par excellence- which has a long history, prevails. Gender perspective is a metaphorical expression that responds to this ocularcentric universe in which public-political spatiality, reason and culture continue to be codified as masculine. It is impossible to depatriarchalise life from the aseptic and hierarchical distance between subject-object imposed by the perspective. The article proposes, instead, to act through gender sensitivity, reversing the burden of a persistent stereotype associated with the feminine. Against the forced reduction of sensitive frequencies -a distinctive operation of the contemporary regime–it is proposed to act from gender sensitivity, a less transited trope, which appeals to the intensive and entangled reverberation between bodies-affects-thoughts.
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