Social networks and academic performance in the tenth year of basic education students
Dossier | Feminist Epistemologies of the South: Production, transmission and management of knowledge and wisdom
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Addiction; educational innovation; students; social networks; academic performance; academic performance Adicción; Innovación educacional; estudiantes; redes sociales; rendimiento académico Vício; inovação educacional; estudantes; redes sociais; desempenho acadêmico; desempenho acadêmico.

How to Cite

Pasato Peña, M. E., & Ávila Mediavilla, C. M. (2022). Social networks and academic performance in the tenth year of basic education students. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(9), e210129.


This study aims to determine the influence of virtual social networks on the academic performance of tenth-year students from the Galo Plaza Lasso Educational Unit. It was developed under the quantitative approach, presenting as a population of the high school student of the aforementioned educational unit, from which a sample of 32 students was extracted. To obtain data, the Social Networks Addition Questionnaire (ARS) was used with the independent variable of social networks, while the average grade of the selected sample was taken for academic performance, according to the scale provided by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador. The results indicated that 31% of students almost always spend a lot of time connected to social networks, while 46% always neglect their homework or studies to connect on social networks and 37% indicate that their frequency of access is never a problem. social media usage time. The results show that 21.9% of the students present addiction to social networks, 43.8% do not manifest this condition and 34.4% are located under the condition of excessive use of networks, corresponding to the male sex the highest percentage of young people who qualified as addicts, compared to women, according to the findings obtained, it is suggested to develop future research analyzing other variables associated with the condition studied.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Milton Eduardo Pasato Peña, Carlos Marcelo Ávila Mediavilla


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