E-learning and COVID-19: Social representations of indigenous female university students in Mexico
Dossier | Feminist Epistemologies of the South: Production, transmission and management of knowledge and wisdom
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Social Representations; Covid-19; E-learning, Indigenous students Representaciones sociales; Covid-19; Educación a distancia; Estudiantes indígenas.

How to Cite

Arán Sánchez, A., & Ríos Cepeda, V. L. (2022). E-learning and COVID-19: Social representations of indigenous female university students in Mexico. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(9), e210122. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v3i9.122


The current situation caused by SARS-CoV-2 has made it only way in which students can continue with their education. Since e-learning requires students to have internet connection and adequate computer equipment, the socioeconomic gap among the most vulnerable groups, including indigenous population, has increased. To explore this phenomenon, a qualitative study based on the phenomenological paradigm is presented, with the purpose of identifying the social representations that higher education indigenous students have about e-learning and COVID-19. A semi structured questionnaire is used, and the answers were organized in the categories of information, attitude, and representation. The results highlight the effect that their precarious socioeconomic situation has in the formulation of these structures, permeating their access to information about the virus as well as the mechanisms that e-learning involves. The above has consequences in their self-perception about the learning process and affects their mental health.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Ana Arán Sánchez, Vera Lucía Ríos Cepeda


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