Aims & Scope

PACHA. Revista de Estudios Contemporáneos del Sur Global is a peer-reviewed publication that publishes 3 issues a year. Founded in 2020, it was created as an academic research journal that examines the problems of the Global South, understood as the resistant imaginary of a transnational political subject that results from a shared experience of subjugation under contemporary global capitalism.

The journal seeks to publish articles that address spaces, peoples, and experiences of those negatively affected by contemporary capitalist globalization (Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East). (About Global South).

Articles on economic development issues, political economy, agriculture, planning, the working class, people’s movements, politics and power, imperialism and empire, international financial institutions, the environment, and economic history, among others, portray the temporality of the Global South are welcome.

For Revista Pacha, an important objective is to publish the work of researchers based in the Global South, professors from the main research centers, as well as the work of young researchers

The journal accepts original, previously unpublished papers in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, which are the product of a research or a review and which are not being evaluated by other scientific journals, either in print or electronic form.

ISSN: 2697-3677
Starting year: 2020
Periodicity: Continuous publication system (3 issues per year: January-April; May-August; September-December)
Language: Spanish, Portuguese, English

Open Access: Under a  Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0.
Main topics: Theoretical reflections and studies on social, political, and cultural practices emerging from the Global South.


City, Country: Quito, Ecuador