Confronting Ecological Imperialism: The Importance of Reading Marx Today
Marx, los marxismos y la cuestión colonial
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ecological imperialism; colonialism; capital accumulation; profit. imperialismo ecológico; colonialismo; acumulación de capital; ganancia. imperialismo ecológico; colonialismo; acumulação de capital; lucro.

How to Cite

Herrera Rodríguez, O. S. (2022). Confronting Ecological Imperialism: The Importance of Reading Marx Today. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(7), e21090.


The materialist character underlying Marx's work allows us to understand the imperialism/colonialism dialectic from its constitutive and constituent ecological core. The accumulation of capital as the goal of the capitalist mode of production demands the incessant expansion of the borders of nation-states in search of fossil fuels, raw materials and labor, which in turn, concatenates a series of impacts on colonized ecosystems that temporarily amortize the critical effects of the capitalist mode of production. In this way, it is proposed a critical appropriation of the category ecological imperialism of the American historian Alfred Crosby using a marxist’s framework based on imperialism’s theories, ecosocialism and the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall developed by Marx, demonstrating the need to make a deep change of mode of production in the face of the unsustainability of energy and civilization to which capitalism leads.
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