Strategies and mechanisms for integration of migrants in Spain
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inmigración; sociedad de acogida; estrategias de integración immigration; host society; integration strategies imigração; sociedade anfitriã; estratégias de integração

How to Cite

Gbaguidi, R. (2021). Strategies and mechanisms for integration of migrants in Spain. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 2(6), e21078.


Immigration is a transnational phenomenon with its particularities in each territory. The central aspect of this reality wherever it develops and above the statistics is the integration of immigrant groups in the host society. It should be noted that for some decades and especially after the 2000s, the European Community institutions have tried to build and use a common discourse on immigration. However, the concept of integration does not have the same meaning or content in these countries where the same policies are not applied either. Regardless of theoretical considerations and public debates or individual sensitivities, it is necessary not only to have coherent policies for the integration of immigrants, but also, and, above all, to implement programs and devices that can always ensure this. Spain is essentially characterized by its regional and territorial heterogeneity in terms of immigration, which leads to a diversity of criteria for the application of the State's recommendations regarding integration and coexistence. This article presents the general aspects of migrant integration policies in Spain and offers elements for reflection on the actions and important structures for any integration process.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Roméo Gbaguidi


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