Arabness in the South American narrative of the second half of the 20th Century and the literature of the Mahyar
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Bartet, L. (2021). Arabness in the South American narrative of the second half of the 20th Century and the literature of the Mahyar. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 2(6), e21070.


From the end of the 19th century, an important Levantine immigration movement reached the American coasts. This migration continued throughout the 20th century, deeply impacting the daily life and history of our continent. The experience of this cultural encounter is widely reflected in the literary discourse that functions as a mirror, projecting our conflicting, diverse and multiple identities. Most of the immigrants were impoverished peasants or small merchants. However, Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinian intellectuals also came to America and created literary circles and important schools that revolutionized literary production in the Arabic language: It is the so-called Mahyar literature. The study will approach the subject from; the literary discourse of the non-Arab enunciator, the literary discourse of the Arab enunciator (or of Arab origin) and the Mahyar literature: the Arab literary renaissance from America.
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