Climate change adaptation: narratives and misunderstandings. Sigths from the margins
Revista Pacha
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adaptación; cambio climático; narrativas; desacuerdo; márgenes. adaptation; climatic change; narratives; misunderstandings; margins.

How to Cite

Martínez Martínez, . M. A. (2021). Climate change adaptation: narratives and misunderstandings. Sigths from the margins. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 2(4), 79-93.



The United Nations call on climate change generates governmental and economic macro-narratives that are presented as expressions of validation and inclusion admitted by univocal forms of development and progress, as well as are reproduced by Civil Society, but contrasted by the original communities of the Mexican population who present ethical, political and environmental perspectives. In the present work, adaptation to climate change is evidenced as a requirement of the modes of development and progress generated by a world structure of neocolonial and capitalist projects, and it is realized how colonialist strategy disavows the singular and concrete forms of environmental care of a variety of collectives and popular organizations scattered throughout the Mexican territory. For this, the Mayan Train project and the Morelos Integral Project are considered as standard models and reference of a documentary hermeneutic of popular actions and of indigenous communities with actions, arguments and governmental decisions, which proceed vertically and institutionally in the transformation process and territorial care. The results are crossed by the signaling and discrediting of the commitment of the different groups to care for the environment, as well as the persistence of practices from extractivist and neocolonial logics, whose dynamics continue to expose the lives of the people who are in defense of the Earth. To conclude, adaptation to climate change is affirmed as an inclusion tactic for native people that results in death and precariousness.
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