Female combatants in the propaganda of the insurgent groups. The case of the FARC-EP.
Revista Pacha
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Roux, C. (2021). Female combatants in the propaganda of the insurgent groups. The case of the FARC-EP. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 2(4), 9-23. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v2i4.51



Between 2004 and 2016, the Colombian guerrillas of the FARC-EP went through several mutations before signing a peace agreement that marked the end of their armed struggle. In each of these stages, what the guerrillas used to call “propaganda” has played a central role in the group’s strategy. This article analyzes 37 issues of Resistencia, the journal published clandestinely by the FARC-EP. It critically questions the evolution of female combatant representation, a central element of the FARC-EP discourse and of the propaganda war in Colombia. The article reveals two successive strategies. At first, the FARC-EP developed a discourse of symbolic compensation, offering women combatants constant tributes in their journal, but leaving little space for the actual voices of female fighters. As of 2012, the analysis reveals a process of gender mainstreaming in FARC-EP propaganda, which corresponds to the emergence of female figures in the foreground of the negotiating table in Havana. Confirming the material effects that feminist discourse can have on insurgent organizations, the analysis also reveals the persistence in Colombia of discursive strategies that seek to recycle militarized gender stereotypes produced by armed actors during the war. 

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