Culture of rape, an analysis of the continuum in sexual violence experienced by women
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Rape culture, sexual violence, social imaginary, behaviors, justification. Cultura de violación, Violencia sexual, imaginario social, Comportamientos, justificación.

How to Cite

Hernández Briceño, S. (2020). Culture of rape, an analysis of the continuum in sexual violence experienced by women. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 1(3), 89-103.


Sexual violence stands out as one of the expressions of Gender based Violence; This expression is one of the most suffered by women in various parts of the world and in different areas of the family, work, and social nature. As a result of this research, the Nicaraguan and Mexican context is analyzed as scenarios of the Latin American region, where the various manifestations of violence suffered by women are normalized and justified, all based on a culture of rape legitimized by societies of both contexts. Among the key aspects for developing the study, it is intended to recognize the factors that influence the normalization and justification of situations of sexual violence suffered by women, identifying the constant re-victimization practices that society projects in these scenarios of violence against women, thereby affecting the integral development and autonomy of the violated women. It is necessary to recognize the expressions of the culture of rape from a holistic and complex perspective that provides guidelines for interpreting and relating it to social, legal, and everyday elements. The information collected contributes to determining the way in which the social imaginary reinforces and endorses a transgressive culture of human rights; starting from this level of awareness to support ideas and strategic proposals that reduce the effects of a culture of rape. This article is prepared from a comprehensive perspective, with qualitative and documentary research methods - techniques.
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