Business and financial strategy of ventures: an approach to the canton of La Maná
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Estratégia de negócios; estratégia operacional; estratégia financeira; recursos humanos, empreendedorismo. Business strategy; operational strategy; financial strategy; human resources, entrepreneurship. Estrategia empresarial; estrategia operativa; estrategia financiera; recursos humanos, emprendimientos.

How to Cite

García Bravo, M. E., Torres Briones, R. M., Reyes Armas, R. A., & Hurtado García, K. del R. (2024). Business and financial strategy of ventures: an approach to the canton of La Maná. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 5(13), e240243.


Despite the growing importance of entrepreneurship for the local economy, there is a gap in knowledge about the effectiveness of their strategies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to diagnose the factors that influence the business and financial strategy of the La Maná canton. For this, it was decided to use this approach, since this method will allow specific numerical data to be collected on business and financial strategies. For this reason, when defining the target population, we focused on 423 ventures with a total sample of 96 ventures. During the preparation of the study results, first of all, a sociodemographic profile of the participants was generated. An exploratory factor analysis was then performed to determine how the variables were related to each other. This process included the use of Bartlett’s efficiency test and a fully explained variation matrix, rule diagram, and rotated component matrix. These tools helped identify and categorize the relevant factors considered in the study. Finally, it is concluded that, in the region’s ventures, operational strategies, human resources strategies and joint financial strategies play a predominant role, influencing the formulation and effectiveness of commercial strategies by 63%.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Mayra Elizabeth García Bravo, Rosa Marjorie Torres Briones, Rodrigo Arturo Reyes Armas, Ketty del Rocío Hurtado García


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