Promotion of coexistence norms in the environment of the Municipality of La Concordia
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Socialización; metodología; análisis; observación; desarrollo. Socialization; methodology; analysis; observation; development. Socialização; metodologia; análise; observação; desenvolvimento.

How to Cite

Álava Delgado, K. D., García Reyna, G. F., Orbe Morante, D. L., & Briones Rodríguez, A. L. (2023). Promotion of coexistence norms in the environment of the Municipality of La Concordia. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230234.


The present analysis, titled “Socialization of Coexistence Norms in the Environmental Area of the Municipal Gad of the Canton of La Concordia, constitutes a research tool, with which it is intended to investigate compliance with the coexistence norms; analysis that is carried out through the application of surveys and observations, for this study the administrative staff and director of the Municipal GAD of La Concordia have been taken into account. The development of the following case analysis is structured by a theoretical foundation; in which general conceptualizations will be developed, which support the project, the methodology describes how the study of the analysis proposal will be carried out, then the interpretation of results will be reached; with the data collected and then analyze and interpret it using statistical tables and graphs. Some recommendations will be proposed to the authorities of the institution, with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of personal interrelationships between all members of the environmental and risk management department of the Municipal GAD of La Concordia. an environment of respect, peace and harmony is created; hoping it can serve as a reference for other institutions that seek the same goal of comprehensive training; reason for this work.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Karellys Dayanna Álava Delgado, Gicson Fernando García Reyna, Dayanna Lisseth Orbe Morante, Alixon Lissette Briones Rodríguez


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