Key factors for the implementation of digital transformation in textile and apparel companies in the canton of Cuenca
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How to Cite

Baculima Japón, D. A., Tinto Arandes, J., & Baculima Japón, J. L. (2023). Key factors for the implementation of digital transformation in textile and apparel companies in the canton of Cuenca. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230224.


This research addresses the issue of digital transformation in textile and apparel companies in the canton of Cuenca. The proposed objective is to identify the study dimensions in which these companies need to improve in order to adapt to the technological and cultural changes of the digital era. For this purpose, a methodology based on a quantitative research survey was used, which consists of data collection through structured and standardized questions that were asked to a group of 89 companies, in order to gather information about their current situation. The results obtained indicate that there is a need to improve online presence with unsatisfied levels of 29% and 40% neutral, as well as to establish effective collaborations with technology service providers and digital marketing specialists. In addition, the importance of implementing digital marketing techniques to improve local and international market positioning and increase sales through the main social networks was identified. However, budget limitations were found with 27% and lack of knowledge in a percentage of 18% of the companies surveyed. Therefore, it is concluded that more training and bank loans are required so that these companies can adequately adapt to technological and cultural changes and thus improve their competitiveness in the market. In summary, digital transformation is a crucial process for companies, and it is necessary to take measures to facilitate their adaptation and development in the digital era.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Diego Baculima Baculima Japón, Jaime Tinto Arandes, Julio Leonardo Baculima Japón


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