The theory of the real subsumption of consumption to capital as a principle for the current reorganization of social movements
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Capitalismo; crise; imperialismo; movimentos sociais; valores de uso nocivos. Capitalismo; crisis; imperialismo; movimientos sociales; valores de uso nocivos. Capitalism; crisis; harmful use values; imperialism; social movements; subsumption of consumption.

How to Cite

Sandoval Vázquez, D. (2023). The theory of the real subsumption of consumption to capital as a principle for the current reorganization of social movements. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230219.


This article is an exposition of the concept and, to a certain extent, of the theory of the subsumption of consumption under capital (SRC/C), developed by Dr. Jorge Veraza Urtuzuástegui, differentiating his work from previous approaches that tried to problematize and discuss capitalist consumption as the area where it becomes possible to locate the essential characteristics of today’s society. One of the arguments that are sustained here when establishing such differentiation is that the concept of SRC/C concentrates the first integral construction –properly theoretical– that makes it possible to understand capitalism in its state of development and therefore current, thanks to the inextricable link it maintains with Karl Marx’s critique of political economy and the analysis of specifically capitalist production. Besides that, this document represents a general outline of the importance and definition of the integral critique of Jorge Veraza and his concept of SRC/C for the reorganization and recovery of objective and subjective conditions within the social movements that face multilaterally the processes of devastation, structural crises, and environmental and social collapse today.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Daniel Sandoval Vázquez


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