The Psychosocial theory by Jorge Veraza: the subjective and the psychological in capitalism
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Capitalismo; marxismo; psicologia; psicologia crítica; subjetividade. Capitalismo; marxismo; psicología; psicología crítica; subjetividad. Capitalism; critical psychology; marxism; psychology; subjectivity.

How to Cite

Pavón-Cuéllar, D. (2023). The Psychosocial theory by Jorge Veraza: the subjective and the psychological in capitalism. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230218.


This article offers an outline of the psychosocial theory of the Mexican Marxist Jorge Veraza Urtuzuástegui. The first part of the text highlights the structure of the theory, its differences with respect to a psychological theoretical model, the connection of its object with capitalist economy, its reflexive potential for critical psychology and its explanatory power for the elucidation of subjectivity in capitalism. The second part separately examines seven generating and determining processes of the psychological in Veraza’s psychosocial theory: fetishization, transfiguration, formation of common sense, eroticization of things, famelization of people, thanatization of experience, and the subsumption of the psyche in capital.
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Copyright (c) 2023 David Pavón-Cuéllar


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