On the development of the concept of super-exploitation of the labor force by capital in the communist critical thought of Jorge Veraza
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Residual original accumulation; subsumption; capital; super-exploitation; labor force. Acumulación originaria residual; subsunción; capital; superexplotación; fuerza de trabajo. Acumulação original residual; subsunção; capital; superexploração; força de trabalho.

How to Cite

Martínez Bautista, J. V. (2023). On the development of the concept of super-exploitation of the labor force by capital in the communist critical thought of Jorge Veraza. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230217. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v4i12.217


The goal of this article is to account for the theoretical contribution of Jorge Veraza regarding the phenomenon of super-exploitation of the labor force by capital (SEFT/K). It is argued that Jorge Veraza observes and specifies the generalization of this phenomenon in two historical periods of capitalist development. The first of these occurs with the industrial revolution in England in the last third of the 18th century, when the female and child labor force was massively incorporated into production processes. This fact destroys what was traditionally the family salary, making an individual salary prevail, since from now on the salary does not contemplate the maintenance and normal reproduction of the entire basic family nucleus of the salaried worker; and parallel to the integration of peripheral countries into the capitalist world market, mechanisms of SEFT/K began to be established. The second generalization of the SEFT/K occurs with the emergence and territorial expansion of the globalization of the real subsumption of consumption to capital (SRC/K) and the original residual and terminal accumulation of capital (AORT).

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