The theory of Real Subordination of Consumption under Capital as tool for understanding contemporary food phenomena
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Capitalismo; fast food; desertos alimentares; dietética; socioantropologia da alimentação. Capitalismo; comida rápida; desiertos alimentarios; dietética; socio antropología de la alimentación. Capitalism; Food Deserts; Fast Food; Dietetics; Social Anthropology of Food.

How to Cite

Hernández Ramírez, J. C. (2023). The theory of Real Subordination of Consumption under Capital as tool for understanding contemporary food phenomena. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230216.


The theory of the Real Subordination of Consumption under Capital proposed by Jorge Veraza explains how the extension of capitalism to the production, distribution, and commercialization of food has determined the configuration of the current diets. Neverthless, there are other widely used theories that also study the contemporary food phenomena; however, their explanatory power is insufficient because, in the context of the global capitalist market, such theories tend to avoid analyzing the capitalist way of producing food and its direct unfavorable implications for health. Thus, the aim of this article is to characterize the theoretical model of the Real Subordination of Consumption under Capital (RSCC), to examine its clarity and explanatory power for understanding contemporary food phenomena. Thus, the elements and structure of the RSCC model applied to the field of food studies are described. Furthermore, Clarity (conceptual definitions) and Explanatory Power (degree of empirical confirmation and depth of statements) of RSCC model were analyzed, resorting to punctual comparisons with Braudel’s theoretical model of civilization plants and with Popkin’s nutrition transition model. The SRCC theoretical model, is linked to Karl Marx’s theory of capitalist development, and enriches it with specific hypothesis about consumpiton practices and contributions from psychoanalysis and cultural studies; also, it is adequate theoretical model for the available empirical evidence on eating patterns in capitalist contexts and allows deep logical inferences to be made to explain the respective underlying mechanisms.
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