Economic analysis of the growth of the real estate sector in the El Oro Province, Ecuador during the period 2015 – 2022
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edificaciones; inmobiliario; vivienda; concentración; mercado; uso de la tierra. buildings; real estate; living place; concentration; market; land use. edifícios; imóveis; moradia; concentração; mercado; uso da terra.

How to Cite

Marín Apolo, E. M., Vega Jaramillo, F. Y., Herrera Peña, J. N., Salcedo Muñoz, V. E., & Macías Sares, B. C. (2023). Economic analysis of the growth of the real estate sector in the El Oro Province, Ecuador during the period 2015 – 2022. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230208.


The real estate sector is an essential part of boosting the economy; However, in recent decades it has experienced a decrease, among other reasons, due to the 2008 financial crisis, the fall in oil prices, and the pandemic generated by Covid -19, generating a contraction in supply and demand in both the construction of new buildings as well as the purchase and sale of existing ones. This reality has not been foreign to Ecuador, especially to the El Oro Province; which, like the rest of the cities in Latin America, has experienced an accelerated and disorderly process of urbanization, especially in the peripheral areas where approximately 209 neighborhoods have emerged without any type of planning, mainly towards the north of Machala, there are sectors populations that lack basic services. So, the objective of the research is to analyze the economic growth of the real estate sector in El Oro Province–Ecuador during the period 2015–2022. The methodology used is framed in the quantitative approach, through a non-experimental design, the technique of the survey of a sample of 21 companies in the real estate sector that have their operations in the El Oro Province. Among the main results of the research, they highlight that it is a competitive and not very concentrated market, since there is a significant number of real estate companies for a population with low density. In conclusion, the main activity of the real estate sector is the rental of homes and the purchase and sale of housing units.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Elsa Mariuxi Marín Apolo, Flor Yelena Vega Jaramillo, Jonathan Neftalí Herrera Peña, Virgilio Eduardo Salcedo Muñoz, Bernard César Macías Sares


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