Impacto de la importación en el rendimiento empresarial de las industrias textiles de Nigeria


Impacto; importação; desempenho comercial; indústrias têxteis. Impact; Importation; Business Performance; Textile Industries. Impacto; Importación; Rendimiento empresarial; Industrias textiles.

How to Cite

Igwe, O. I., Fiel-Miranda, J. L., & Miranda, A. T. (2023). Impacto de la importación en el rendimiento empresarial de las industrias textiles de Nigeria. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(12), e230200.


This study reviews the impact of importation on business performance of the Nigerian textile industries. The business performance was assessed using some key performance index such as: revenue growth, sales growth, profit level, contribution to Gross Domestic product (GDP), employment rate, and customer satisfaction. This study further brings into the fore the condition of the textile industries in Nigeria. A case analysis and exploratory related approach was employed for data interpretation. Data were collected from the Central bank of Nigeria, the World Bank, National Bureau of Statistics, and other related literature. The findings indicated that the textile industries in Nigeria are declining in their business performance owing to the low patronage from the consumers who are dissatisfied with the quality of their products. The industries are confronted with some challenges and limitations which include: the lack of funds, poor infrastructure, international trade policies, and consumer buying behavior.


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