The Transfiguration of the Permanent Revolution in Latin America: a dialogue between Adolfo Gilly and Florestan Fernandes
A transfiguração da revolução permanente na América Latina: um diálogo entre Adolfo Gilly e Florestan Fernandes
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Capitalismo dependente
revolução permanente
revolução interrompida Capitalism-dependent
permanent revolution
interrupted revolution

How to Cite

Velho, R. S. (2020). The Transfiguration of the Permanent Revolution in Latin America: a dialogue between Adolfo Gilly and Florestan Fernandes. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 1(2), 23-34.


The article seeks to dialogue with the production of Adolfo Gilly and Florestan Fernandes on the relevance of the concept of permanent revolution in the capitalist realities of Latin America. It presents a description of the processes of the bourgeois revolution in Mexico and Brazil, illustrating Gilly’s concepts of interrupted revolution and permanent counter-revolution in Fernandes. It also analyzes some strategic formulas derived from various understandings of the capitalist transition in the region. Finally, some questions about the actuality of the categories of permanent revolution interrupted revolution, and autocracy are listed in order to analyze the Latin American realities of the 21st century.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ricardo Scopel Velho


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