History, crisis and class struggle: the Marxist theory of dependence and the law of unequal and combined development
História, crise e luta de classes: a teoria marxista da dependência e a lei do desenvolvimento desigual e combinado
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Trotsky Social History
Revolution História social

How to Cite

Aviz Neto, F. L. (2020). History, crisis and class struggle: the Marxist theory of dependence and the law of unequal and combined development. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 1(2), 12-22. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v1i2.19


This article proposes to problematize the Marxist Theory of Dependence in an analytical comparison with the Law of Uneven and Combined Development. These are formulations that have great relevance for understanding capitalist developments in countries exploited by imperialism and national bourgeoisies. Through the methodologies of Social History and Economic History, the research was carried out with a bibliographic review, in addition to the scope of some economic and statistical data of the Brazilian situation, especially regarding the agrarian question, which is crucial for capitalism in Brazil. In the scope of the comparison of the two theories, some distinctions are understood in their analysis proposals, also expressing the influence of the policy of the communist groups for the formulation of the Marxist Theory of Dependence in relation to the Law of Leon Trotsky.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Francisco Lino Aviz Neto


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