Factors affecting the allocation of resources for the automation of irrigation systems in Cuenca, Ecuador
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automação; sistemas de irrigação; inovação; cadeia de valor; desenvolvimento rural; nanotecnologia. automation; Irrigation systems; innovation; value chain; rural development; nanotechnology. Automatización; sistemas de riego; innovación; cadena de valor; desarrollo rural; nanotecnología.

How to Cite

Quinde Almeida, M. J., & Barbery Montoya, D. C. (2023). Factors affecting the allocation of resources for the automation of irrigation systems in Cuenca, Ecuador. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(10), e2301084. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v4i10.184


This document presents an analysis of the factors that affect the implementation of the automation of the irrigation systems of the Octavio Cordero Palacios parish of the Cuenca canton, of the province of Azuay, under the accompaniment and support of the Provincial Government of Azuay. The objective of this work is to determine the influential factors in the implementation of the automation of irrigation systems in rural areas, the research is descriptive, explanatory, correlational and cross-sectional. Starting from a finite population of 2271 inhabitants of the parish, 100 research subjects are studied through the information collection instrument that is the survey, validated by expert judgment and with a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.857. It is determined that the two independent variables environment (0.002) and innovation of the value chain (0.000) have a significant result, since both variables are linked to contributing to the development and modernization of irrigation systems in rural areas, since the results are quite coherent and consistent for the scope of our study. It is concluded considering that the automated irrigation systems in the Octavio Cordero Palacios parish are necessary, it is evident that the communities are expanding, the implementation of nanotechnology will contribute to the improvement of the agricultural, economic and environmental productivity of the sector.

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Copyright (c) 2023 María José Quinde Almeida, Danny Cristian Barbery Montoya


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