Urban branding: a literature review of public policy, place branding and urban icons
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urban branding, política pública, city branding, ícones urbanos. Marca urbanista, política pública, marca ciudad, iconos urbanos Urban brand, public policy, city brand, urban icons.

How to Cite

Acosta Morales, M. G., Peñaherrera Zambrano, S. X., & Moreno Gavilanes, K. A. (2023). Urban branding: a literature review of public policy, place branding and urban icons. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 4(10), e230162. https://doi.org/10.46652/pacha.v4i10.162


This article aims to focus on how a public policy designed to address a social problem ultimately became the place brand. This document uses a qualitative case study approach focused on the theoretical and empirical axes of public policy, place branding and urban icons. The work analyzed 40 scientific articles in the period 2016–2020. For this, articles from Google Scholar, SciELO, Sage, Elsevier, Springer Link and Emerald were reviewed. The paper concludes that local governments need to be aware that the policy-making process can become part of their brand. It also shows the importance of ongoing stakeholder engagement in the place branding process to ensure it is a sustainable brand. There are limited studies that focus on how a public policy designed to address a social problem ultimately becomes the brand of the place. This article shows how a public policy through urban icons and branding have become the axis of the urban brand.

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Copyright (c) 2023 María Gabriela Acosta Morales, Santiago Xavier Peñaherrera Zambrano, Klever Armando Moreno Gavilanes


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