Im/productive sexualities: Epistemic-subjective implications of an ongoing heterocoloniality
Dossier | Feminist Epistemologies of the South: Production, transmission and management of knowledge and wisdom
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epistemología; filosofía; sistema sexo-género; sistema moderno-colonial de género; heterocolonialidad epistemology; philosophy; sex-gender system; modern-colonial gender system; heterocoloniality epistemologia; filosofia; sistema sexo-gênero; sistema de gênero moderno-colonial; heterocolonialismo

How to Cite

Prado, C. (2022). Im/productive sexualities: Epistemic-subjective implications of an ongoing heterocoloniality. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(9), e210156.


This work aims to test a dialogue between, on one hand, the proposal of a miscegenation device whose sine qua non condition is the heterosexual relationship between European men and indigenous women and, on the other, a sodomy device that unfolds in relation to/through a heterocoloniality. However, to address these dimensions, I will first reconstruct a theoretical framework that operates as a nourishing source to understand their mutual tensions with the aim of continuing to problematize the supposed “nature” of biological dimorphism and the gender dichotomy construction both in relation to the past and the present, especially if we take into account the current context of discourses such as those of “gender ideology”. As a result, an expanded panorama is presented to think about the relationships between sex-gender-sexuality whose central hypothesis is that heterosexuality (and today we could think of cisheterosexuality) is a product of conquest.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Carli Prado


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