Contamination of the crime scene and its effect on tax investigations in crimes against life. Specific case: City of Cuenca in the province of Azuay, year 2021
Dossier | Feminist Epistemologies of the South: Production, transmission and management of knowledge and wisdom
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How to Cite

Guaicha Quezada, R. A., & Torres Wilchez, M. U. (2022). Contamination of the crime scene and its effect on tax investigations in crimes against life. Specific case: City of Cuenca in the province of Azuay, year 2021. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(9), e210135.


The purpose of this work was to determine the importance of the protection of the place of the facts and that there was intact of the crime scene for the orientation of the fiscal investigations, since only in this way, it will be possible to establish the motive of the facts of the commission. of one or more crimes of inviolability of life, such as: homicide, manslaughter, femicide, murder, contract killing, and the relationship with the participants in the criminal offense. Through the population file of the fiscal and DINASED files of the National Police, it has been determined how important it is to be able to carry out field work at a crime scene with the same correct way; and that in the cases in which these shortcomings have existed, the tax investigations have not had the respective investigative continuity.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Robinson Andres Guaicha Quezada, Marcelo Urbano Torres Wilchez


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