Liquid fuels affect the quality of life of the residents of Canton La Libertad, Province of Santa Elena, Ecuador
Dossier | Feminist Epistemologies of the South: Production, transmission and management of knowledge and wisdom
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subsidy; Quality of life; Fuel; Social welfare Subsidio; Calidad de vida; Combustible; Bienestar social. Subsídio; Qualidade de vida; Combustível; Bem-estar social.

How to Cite

Luis Vicente, C. F., & Alvarez Gavilanes, J. E. (2022). Liquid fuels affect the quality of life of the residents of Canton La Libertad, Province of Santa Elena, Ecuador. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(9), e210125.


The present research was generated according to an evident problem such as the elimination of subsidies and subsequent increased costs for liquid fuels, which harms the good living of the residents of La Libertad canton. Therefore, methodological research is made based on the variables found, with the objective of establishing theories or similar studies that profitably help the development of the article. Hence, this is exploratory, descriptive, and correlational research. Furthermore, a systematic sampling model has been applied, as it is a very simple model to apply in practice, and it does not need to require an elaborate survey framework; this model allows it to work with no more than 5 research variables. The investigation started with a limited population of 802 people, and a sample of 80 individuals to be investigated was chosen. By implementing this kind of methodology and the measurement instrument, the necessary results were obtained in order to support the following research such as the affirmation that the non-subsidy of liquid fuels harms the good living of the residents of La Libertad canton. Nevertheless, it is important to take into account that something was highlighted in this research, the residents do not oppose the non-subsidy of fuels. Rather, they argue that these should be well targeted in strategic areas or industries so that they are beneficial so much as to the Ecuadorian state as to the population of a certain canton.
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