Critical analysis of the relationship of Human Rights and social work in the problem of violence against women
Dossier | (Re)existences to Epistemic Racism in the Global South
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Social work; human rights; gender violence; emancipation; vulnerability. Trabajo social; derechos humanos; violencia de género; emancipación; vulnerabilidad. Trabalho social; direitos humanos; violência baseada no gênero; emancipação; vulnerabilidade.

How to Cite

Reyes Masa, B. del C., Piedra Quezada, M. E., Salinas Rodríguez, J. B., Toledo García, S. A., Carrión Berrú, C. B., Salazar González, M. C., & Torres Calderón, C. A. (2022). Critical analysis of the relationship of Human Rights and social work in the problem of violence against women. Pacha. Revista De Estudios Contemporáneos Del Sur Global, 3(8), e210115.


This article analyzes some elements about human rights, the phenomenon of violence against women and their relation with Social Work. To achieve the established, we used a bibliographic -documentary method and an analysis with qualitative approach. Through this paper, the role of Social Work is resignified in the apply of human rights in women and the social treatment about the gender violence includded an integral perspective.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Betti del Cisne Reyes Masa, María Eugenia Piedra Quezada, Janina Brigitte Salinas Rodríguez, Sonia Alexandra Toledo García, Celsa Beatriz Carrión Berrú, Magda Cecilia Salazar González, Cinthya Alexandra Torres Calderón


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